I am a relatively new collector of 1/18 scale replicas with a collection of about 33 models. As I don't see myself amassing hundreds of cars, my intent is to keep my numbers down and collect quality over quantity. Plus, quality costs a bit more. My collection includes CMC, Exoto, AutoArt, Amalgam, BBR, a few vintage ERTL, Keng Fai, LCD, and of course Almost Real. As AutoArt and BBR have shifted to sealed resin, I have been in search of a brand to replace what they use to provide the market (quality 1/18 diecast). If the Pagani Zonda F is any indication of Almost Real's market intention, I think I've found my solution. The Zonda F is my fourth Almost Real model and by far the best. Not that the others were bad. On the contrary, they were very good. But the Zonda F, maybe because it's tagged AR+, is a step above. The paint is flawless. The door and all access mechanisms work perfectly (pay attention to the instructions). The detail and materials, interior and exterior, are top notch. I am not necessarily a modern supercar collector, but I do have four (a BBR Pagani Huayra, and an AutoArt MacLaren Senna among them). The Pagani Zonda F blows them all away, no comparison. It's just that good. Keep them coming Almost Real.